Tone: The Crazy Comes Out

Tonight I really wanted to take my crazy for ride. I didn’t, but hey, it was clearly there. What you ask? What sort of crazy?
I went to my local music shop, Easy Music Center, for the Taylor Guitars Road Show. Naturally enough one the guitars caught my eye and I simply had to have it. Luckily I escaped, but only because I had somewhere else to be. If I’d have stayed I don’t doubt I’d have ended up with one – especially as there was a bit of discount involved. Whew…sigh of relief.
What guitar? It was the Taylor T5z. And no, because you’ll ask, I didn’t play one. And yes, I know, I should play one before I buy. I will if it comes up again – hopefully it won’t.
Mostly I wanted it because it looks cool and they had a fantastic guitar player there who coaxed some great sounds out of it. Wayne Johnson, a real pro, was along for the show and he’s been around, playing with Manhattan Transfer, Bette Midler, and a host of others. It may not be the guitar I want, it may be his tone.

But as I said, I had to leave and I did it in style. Well not from the store actually, but hey…
I took my first ride on Honolulu’s bike share system, Biki. I’ve used bike shares in other places, most recently in Manhattan where it was great for getting around. Turns out it seems okay here too. It’s expensive I’m told, $15 a month for unlimited 30 minute rides, but there seem to be a lot of stations around, more planned, and at least for now, the bike are in good condition. I rode from my neighborhood to downtown Honolulu, did my thing, then got another and rode back to a couple blocks from my place. Nice.
Once home, I change the settings on my new DI a bit and got a nice fat tone on my guitar, then played with Ditto for a while, over and over.


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