Walking – Activity Tracking Update…

Yes I’ve been walking. This whole activity tracking business has gotten me motivated and now I’m both biking and walking and feeling the benefits. I’ve also been watching my diet and folks tell me I look a lot better. I know I feel better and more energetic.
At work I now get up every hour or two and go outside for a walk around a block or two. Our own block takes about seven minutes to circumnavigate so I’m not taking a big break; it’s just enough. All in all I’ve been making sure I add up to ten thousand or more steps a day. Actually the Garmin Vivofit is rather cunning that way…if you make your goal one day it adds a few steps to the next, and vice versa. I’m up to over eleven thousand a day so I’ve been hitting the mark.
As for my diet, I’ve been tracking calories which probably isn’t the best thing you can do (tracking nutrients might be better), but as I know I’m eating better with all the salads, less rice and carbs, and so on, it’s an okay way of learning how much food I can actually eat. I’m trying to stop before I’m full.
But here’s the deal, while I’ve had no problems with my new hip (yea!), my right knee, the problematic one, has been a bit less than cooperative. It doesn’t actually hurt after a couple of miles, but I do notice it getting a bit…tight. I’ll be seeing my surgeon and his team again, not because I think I’m ready for more surgery (no thanks), but because they are in a good position to assess things. Orthopedics is, after all, orthopedics.
In the meantime I’ll keep walking, eating right, and worry about other things.


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